Title: Confirmation
Author: Froxyn
Rating: FRAO
Pairing: Buffy/Giles
Timeline: S6, Tabula Rasa.
Synopsis: Buffy and Giles deal
with the aftermath of Willow’s spell gone wrong.
Author’s Note: This was written
as for my second entry for Summer
of Giles 2010. Thanks to wyvernwolf for the beta.
Even as
Rupert pulled Anya into his arms and lowered his mouth to hers, he realized that
it didn’t feel...right. It didn’t feel
natural, as a kiss between a betrothed couple should feel. But, it had been a strange day...they were
standing in the middle of a shop that dealt with the balderdash and chicanery of magic, the bunnies were gone,
and the argument was over.
It was what
couples did when they were making up, he was sure of it. And her tongue sliding against his didn’t
exactly feel unpleasant. It just felt...
His eyes
snapped open as his memories flooded his mind.
He pushed away quickly, eyes wide as he stared at Anya.
Anya’s eyes
were as wide as Giles’ as she took a step back and ran her fingers through her
hair. “Oh, shit...”
swallowed and darted his eyes around the Magic Box. They were alone...which caused equal parts of
relief and anxiety to rush through him.
Just as he started to stammer an apology, his phone began to ring.
Anya waved
vaguely, muttering something about at least they were still dressed. Giles turned away from her and lifted his phone
to his ear.
“Thank God
you’re okay!”
He glanced
at Anya, taking a deep breath as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m alright, love. You?”
“Well, I
nearly dusted your imaginary son, but...yeah...I’m okay. What the hell happened?”
“I’m going
to guess Willow, but we’ll discuss that later.”
narrowed her eyes as she dropped a pile of books on the counter. “She’s going to get someone killed with her
witchy ways. I don’t know about you, but
I’ve just about had enough of Willow.”
Buffy chuckle softly over the phone, Giles sat down at the table and licked his
lips. “What’s funny, Buffy?”
“You and
Anya...thinking you’re engaged. Spike
being all ‘jealous son’ about the entire thing...” She sighed heavily, the amusement leaving her
tone. “It would all be funny if we
hadn’t nearly been killed. Anya’s
right...we need to do something about Willow, Giles.”
nodded slowly, removing his glasses and dropping them onto the table. His eyes darted to the door as Xander walked
into the shop. Anya rushed across the
storefront, wrapping her arms around her fiancé while loudly proclaiming the
fact that she was happy that Willow hadn’t gotten him killed.
Xander gave
her a kiss and then looked at Giles.
Giles lowered his eyes and whispered into the phone.
“Are you
far away?”
“No.” Buffy replied softly. “I’ll be there in five. Is Willow with Xander?”
Giles shook
his head, even though Buffy couldn’t see him.
“No, I...I don’t know where she is.”
“I dropped
her and Tara off at the house.” Xander
stated, carefully extricating himself from Anya’s embrace. “I think it’s definitely intervention time,
nodded in agreement and then rubbed his tired eyes. “I love you, Buffy.”
He could
hear the smile in her voice as she responded with a similar sentiment before
whispering a ‘goodbye’ and ending the call.
Giles dropped the phone onto the table and closed his eyes as he ran his
hand through his hair again.
looked at him curiously. “Are you okay,
fine. It was just scary...with all the
bunnies and everything...” Anya answered
quickly, slipping her hand into Xander’s and starting towards the door. “We should go home and have sex...to
celebrate us not dying.”
stared at her incredulously. “Anya...”
rolled his eyes and waved them towards the door. “I’m fine, Xander. Please...go do whatever it is the two of you
do in times such as these...but spare me the details.”
turned his head and stared at Xander, intentionally not looking at Anya. “Go.
We’ll discuss the issues of Willow’s magic later. Right
now is not the time...assuming she’s safe.
She is safe, yes?”
“Yeah.” Xander nodded quickly. “Yeah, Tara is with her.”
Giles cast
a brief glance at Anya before standing and making his way over to the
counter. “Then go.”
arched an eyebrow at Giles’ obvious nervous behaviour. “Are you sure?”
groaned softly. “I’m sure, Xander.”
“Are you
acting this way because you thought you were engaged to Anya? Because, it’s no big deal. I mean...I thought I was Willow’s boyfriend,
so...” He cut off his ramble as Giles
sharply turned towards him and glared.
“Yeah, okay...we’re going now.
Call us when you’re ready to talk to Will, okay?”
Giles said
nothing else as Anya offered him a gentle smile before pulling Xander out the
door. He swallowed hard and bit his lip
as his mind raced.
He’d have
to tell Buffy, there was no getting around it.
He wasn’t sure that Anya would tell Xander, but...it wasn’t even a question
for Giles. He and Buffy had been in a
relationship for over six months...and this wasn’t the time to start hiding
things from her.
she’d understand.
* * *
Buffy ran
through the darkened streets of Sunnydale, her mind trying to work around the
happenings of the evening. Apparently,
Willow had done a spell...she wasn’t sure what the original purpose of the
spell was or what was supposed to have happened. Though, she had a feeling that all of them
forgetting who they were was not the desired effect.
She snorted
at the name she had picked for herself.
Joan. Of all the names in the
world, she had to pick Joan? Not that it
wasn’t a good name, it just...well, it wasn’t Buffy. Buffy shook her head and rounded the corner
at the next intersection.
Xander had
become ‘Alex’...a non-engaged Alexander Harris.
But, Anya had been wearing her engagement ring...and had found the
paperwork that proclaimed the Magic Box to be in her name, along with Giles’. She couldn’t admit that she was at ease over
the fact that they had assumed that Giles had given her the ring. She could understand how they’d come to that
conclusion, given the evidence, but she wasn’t exactly happy about it.
A smile
pricked at her lips though when she thought about ‘Randy Giles’...the
disappointing son of Rupert Giles, soon to be annoying stepson of Anya
Jenkins. If anything had been
laugh-worthy about tonight, it was Spike.
Luckily, their memories had returned to them moments before her stake
plunged into his heart.
For all of
his annoyances, Spike was becoming an ally...and she was sure that he’d be of
some use to them at some point in the future.
She just didn’t know when or in what capacity.
As the
Magic Box came into sight, she ran faster.
Though Giles had said that he was okay, he had sounded slightly
upset. She wasn’t sure what had upset
him, but the only time she had felt that he was truly okay was when he had
whispered ‘I love you, Buffy’.
reaching the shop, she pushed the door open and ran in. She called his name as she slammed the door
closed. And then, as he walked out of
the training room, she smiled and quickly ran the length of the room and
launched herself into his arms.
He held her
tightly, not resisting when she slid her left hand to the back of his head and
pulled him down. His lips parted
instantly, giving her tongue access to his mouth as their kiss deepened.
This was how a kiss between a couple in love was
supposed to feel like, Giles thought as her nails lightly scratched his
scalp. This felt natural, real...this
was causing his body to hum with
arousal. Not like...
He tore his
mouth from Buffy’s, his chest heaving as he looked into her eyes. His fingers trembled as he tenderly stroked
her cheek.
She furrowed
her brow, seeing something in his
eyes. “What’s wrong?”
He cleared
his throat and took a step back, dropping his hand from her cheek. “I...”
She grabbed
his hand, her furrowed brow becoming more pronounced as her concern increased. “Is it Willow? Is she – ”
He shook
his head quickly, gently squeezing her hand as he led her to the table. “Willow’s fine, I’ve been told. She’s with Tara...” He sat down and took a deep breath as he
gestured to the chair next to him.
“Please...sit down.”
She stared
at him as she hesitated for just a moment before sitting down. “Um...you’re kinda starting to make me really
worried, Giles.”
“I love
you, Buffy...so very much.”
okay...starting out like that doesn’t help the worry. I love you too, but...that’s not really a
good way to start out...especially when you’re looking the way you are.”
He tilted
his head slightly and regarded her carefully.
“How am I looking?”
“Guilty.” She answered without thought. And then her eyes widened as the color
drained from her face. “Oh my God...”
thought you were engaged...to Anya...”
Her eyes
glistened as she swallowed thickly. “Did
you have sex with her?”
“Buffy...” He started, stopping suddenly when his mind
processed her question. “What? No!
There was no...I didn’t...we
Her bottom
lip trembled slightly as she lowered her voice.
“Then why do you look so guilty?”
He opened
his mouth and then closed it again as he shook his head. He took a deep breath and looked into her
“I kissed
her. Or...or she kissed me. I’m not quite sure which, but – ”
“Oh.” Buffy interrupted, dropping her gaze from him
as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.
“I guess we’re not talking about a peck on the cheek, are we?”
When he
hesitated for just a second too long, she lifted her eyes back to his. “How involved was it?”
sorry?” He asked, his brows knitting
together in confusion.
“Were there
hands involved? Or...or tongues? Or...did you want to have sex with her?”
He sighed
softly, reaching over to cover her hands with his. “It didn’t feel natural.”
that supposed to mean?”
“It felt
like something we, as a couple, were supposed
to do...because of the situation, not because of desire.” He saw the confusion in her eyes and
continued quickly, tightening his hold on her when she started to pull her
hands away.
“We were
arguing and then the argument was over.
And...there was an apology.”
“You were
making up...” Buffy murmured, darting
her eyes away from him.
“It didn’t
feel right, Buffy. It felt...fake.” He swallowed as his vision blurred. “And then the spell was broken...”
“Why are
you getting ready to cry?” Buffy
whispered when she looked back at him and noticed the tears in his eyes.
I’m not sure how far it would’ve gone had the spell not ended.” He answered honestly.
A tear
rolled down her right cheek. “What?”
“I would
like to think that the discomfort of the situation would’ve caused us to...stop
– ”
“But you
might not have?” She pulled her hands
out from under his, wiping her tear-stained cheeks as she stood up. “Giles, I...why her? Why not me?
I mean...are you attracted to her?
Have you been attracted to her like this the entire time?”
weren’t you attracted to me?” Buffy
whimpered. “You didn’t even look at me.”
“Yes, I
did.” He replied quickly. “You were the first person I noticed when I
woke up.”
He stood up
and tenderly brushed her tears from her skin.
“I saw you and my heart skipped a beat.
But, then...everything started happening, conclusions were being leapt upon...and in the end, it all came down to a
ring on her finger and our names on the deed to this shop.”
“And then
everyone was gone and she...she wouldn’t listen to me and the shop filled up
with rabbits.” He dragged his hand
through his hair, continuing his ramble as Buffy stared at him. “Rabbits everywhere!
“And in the
midst of the argument I was having with her, I told her...screamed at her,
actually...that I was leaving her.” He
swallowed and looked around the room as he shook his head. “She threw the ring...and then...”
“She was
hurt and angry.” Buffy whispered as he
trailed off, biting her lip as she turned her eyes from him. “And then she forgave you. Because...you were still Giles and you still
had that ability to make a woman want you even when she’s angry with you.”
His brow
furrowed as his eyes snapped back to her.
She sighed
heavily and looked at him through glistening eyes. “How many arguments have we had that end up
with me kissing you?”
“A fair
few.” He answered softly after a
moment. “Buffy, I – ”
She took a
step back as a tear spilled down her cheek.
“I know, but...I think I just need time to process this...”
His mouth
opened, possibly to protest, but then closed as he watched her wipe the tear
from her face. He inhaled slowly and
spoke only when he felt like his words wouldn’t be drowning in his own tears.
“I love
you.” He whispered, aching to touch her
but slipping his hands into his pockets instead.
She nodded
in acknowledgement, but didn’t verbally respond. And that was a fact that didn’t go unnoticed
by Giles. Logically, he knew that he had
done nothing wrong...but, it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty about it. Especially when he could easily read the
confusion and hurt in her eyes.
that he was getting ready to attempt an apology, she blew out a soft breath and
finally spoke. “I love you too,
straightened and tilted his head slightly as he stared at her. “But?”
gestured towards the door with a jerk of her thumb over her shoulder. “I should go check on Willow. You know...make sure everything is...well,
not okay. Because things aren’t
okay...especially if she’s using magic to make us forget things. Can we...can we talk about this a little
hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before clearing his throat. “Of course.”
She reached
out and placed her hand on his chest, biting her lip when she felt the pounding
of his heart. She felt a wave of
jealousy rush through her...wondering if his heart had raced when Anya had
kissed him.
back her tears, she pulled her hand away and glanced into his eyes for a brief
moment. “I’ll come by after patrol
He shook
his head quickly, pulling his left hand out of his pocket and raking his
fingers through his hair. “No...no
patrol tonight, Buffy. Recovering from a
spell such as this...you’ll not be at your best tonight. Take the night off...chances are, it’ll be
quiet anyway.”
“Okay.” She replied, not bothering to argue with
him. “Well...I’ll come by after I know a
little more, okay?”
“Alright.” He answered softly, not taking his eyes off
of her. “Buffy, I’m – ”
don’t.” She whispered.
“ –
really...” Registering her whispered
words, he furrowed his brow. “Please
don’t what?”
Her bottom
lip trembled as she looked away from him.
“But – ”
interrupted him quickly with a shake of her head. “It’ll just make it feel more real. And you saying you’re sorry, even though I
know you are...even though it’s not your fault...it just...”
swallowed as she paused, taking a deep breath before cautiously meeting his
eyes once more. “Right now I’m going to
see apologies as guilt...even though I know better. So, please...don’t apologize to me for
this. I’m going to go check on things at
home...and I’ll come by later and we can talk.
I just...can’t talk about this
right now.”
He felt a
heaviness in his heart that threatened to drop him to his knees as she backed
away from him. He wanted nothing more
than to stop her, but realized that she needed time...as much as he hated
letting her leave. And so, he exhaled a
shaky breath and gave her a nearly imperceptible nod.
And before
he could say anything, she whispered a watery ‘goodbye’ and turned from
him. He bit his lip and stared after her
as she ran out of the Magic Box. As the
door swung shut, he clenched his jaw...releasing it as a single tear escaped
the corner of his eye.
* * *
Six hours
later, he was standing in front of the sink in his bathroom...his hair
towel-dried and curling slightly. The hot shower he’d taken had done nothing to
lessen his anxiety where Buffy was concerned...and at that moment, he was
cursing himself for not asking her what time she might be by.
Not that
she would’ve been able to tell him, but...
He sighed
and glanced at his reflection in the mirror.
Skin slightly pink from the heat of the shower and the dark t-shirt and
boxers he was wearing slightly damp from the steam hanging in the room.
There was a
shadow along his jawline, signalling that he needed a shave. Absently reaching over, he picked up his
razor and then paused. With a quick
shake of his head, he dropped the razor into the sink and lowered his
head...his hands gripping the edge of the vanity as he clenched his jaw.
He briefly
entertained the idea of getting dressed and driving over to the house, but
dismissed it almost as quickly as he thought of it. The worst thing he could do would be to push
her into talking when she wasn’t ready.
He just needed to be patient.
He was
taught patience at the Academy. He’d
actually excelled at patience.
Except for
dealing with matters of the heart. And
when the woman he loved was hurting or confused, his patience flew straight out
the window.
another heavy sigh, he pushed away from the vanity and jerked the bathroom door
open. He’d go get dressed...but, he
wouldn’t go to the house that Joyce had left to Buffy. He wasn’t sure what he’d do to pass the
time...research, drink copious amounts of tea, pace...but, he’d pass the time
and wait for her to come to him.
When she
was ready.
He made his
way through the living room, checking the lock on the door before climbing the
stairs. He stopped suddenly as he
stepped into the bedroom, momentarily startled by the fact that Buffy was
sitting on the edge of his...their...bed.
“Hello.” He stated softly, swallowing when she lifted
her slightly red and puffy eyes to him.
They stared
at one another, neither really knowing what to say. After a few seconds that seemed more like
hours, Giles cleared his throat and asked a question that he wasn’t really sure
he wanted to hear the answer to.
uh...you don’t look particularly happy to be here. Did you come to say...goodbye?”
narrowed her eyes in confusion. “What?”
He suddenly
felt very vulnerable standing in front of her wearing only a t-shirt and a pair
of boxers. He rubbed the side of his
neck nervously and took a step towards the closet, not breaking their eye
contact as he did so.
you...” His voice trembled lightly and
he coughed gently before trying again.
“Are you leaving me?”
She wrapped
her arms around herself as she stared into his eyes. “Do you want me to?”
“No.” He whispered, shaking his head slowly. “God, no.
But...you look – ”
“Am I supposed to look happy right now,
Giles?” She asked with no harshness in
her tone.
“No. No, of course not. It’s just...”
“Can you
just hold me?” She interrupted as her
eyes began to glisten again.
hesitation, he crossed the distance between them in two large steps and sat
down next to her. She turned towards him
as he wrapped his arms around her, sliding her arms around his waist as she
pressed her cheek against his chest.
His hold on
her tightened when he heard her sniffle...and then he gently rubbed her back as
he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.
He felt her mumble, but wasn’t able to make out what she’d said.
“What was
that, love?” He asked softly, feeling
her tears soak through his shirt.
He thought
he felt her press a kiss to his sternum before shifting just enough to be heard
as she repeated her statement.
“I wasn’t
mad at you...”
“I know,
Buffy.” He replied on a sigh.
She pulled
back and lifted her head to meet his eyes.
“But, you thought I was going to break up with you?”
He shrugged
a shoulder and lifted his left hand, brushing her hair back from her face. “Fear...”
“I didn’t
even think about that, you know...leaving you?
It never crossed my mind.” She
reached up and ran her fingers along his slightly stubbly jaw. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t stay and talk
“As am
I.” Giles replied, his fingers resting
lightly on her shoulder. “Even if you’d
stayed to yell at me...at least we wouldn’t have been alone.”
“Giles...” She started and then stopped when he gave her
a gentle smile.
understand why you needed to leave. I
understood it when you left.” He sighed,
dropping his gaze...watching himself curl a strand of hair around his index
finger. “However, that doesn’t mean that
I don’t wish that you had stayed. We
should have talked...we probably should still...talk.”
raised an eyebrow at him, sliding her hand down the front of his shirt. “Well, that was an interesting little
He cleared
his throat, eyes darting to her lips briefly.
“I...want to kiss you. But, we
should talk, Buffy.”
The corner
of her mouth twitched lightly. “You
could kiss me and then we could
Giving a
barely noticeable shake of his head, he looked into her eyes. “If I kiss you, I’ll want more. I’ll take
more and...we really should talk.”
“Oh...” She whispered, fingers ghosting over the left
side of his ribcage before she pulled her hand away. “There’s really no bad in that...”
His eyes
darkened slightly, but he shook his head again.
“Buffy, please...don’t tempt me right now. This is...this is important. What happened was – ”
fault and she’s feeling horrible about everything, so expect a triple batch of
cookies later.” Buffy interrupted, a
small smile on her lips.
“This isn’t
something that can be rectified with cookies,
Buffy.” Giles stated, a harshness in his
tone that caused Buffy’s eyes to widen.
“What she did...she...”
He stood up
and began to pace, running his hand through his still-damp hair as he fought to
control his sudden anger.
“She made
me forget how much I love you...what you mean to me.”
“You said
that I was the first person you noticed when you woke up.”
He paused
and stared at her. “You were. But, don’t you understand? That was...attraction, lust...I didn’t know I
was in love with you. I just...I thought
you were beautiful and wondered what your lips tasted like.”
Buffy could respond, he continued...his pacing as well as his ranting.
could’ve been killed...you could’ve killed Spike. Xander and Tara could’ve been...how could she
be so bloody stupid? She thinks magic is
a means to an end...and she abuses the power she’s been gifted with. It makes me so angry, so frustrated,
He nodded
as he took a deep breath and dropped back onto the bed next to her. “She only sees the exhilaration...not the
danger. And the problem will only get
worse before she realizes how big of an issue it is.”
“What do
you mean?” Buffy asked, not really sure
if she actually wanted to know the answer.
“Why do you
think I’ve always been so hesitant to use magic?” He turned to look at her and shook his head
when he heard her whisper an old demon’s name.
“No. My problems stem from magic
itself, not Eyghon.”
He licked
his dry lips and rubbed the side of his neck.
“It’s an addiction, Buffy. The
power, it...it gets inside of you and it tricks you into believing that you can
do anything. And it’s so strong...so
very strong that you don’t see your life crumbling around you. You don’t see all the pain you cause other
people. And it’s only when you hit the
bottom...when there’s nothing left...that you realize that it wasn’t just that
you didn’t see. It’s that you didn’t care. And few people are
able to make it back from that bottom.”
get her into a 12-step program or something?”
She asked, a hopeful tone in her voice.
different than drugs...magic is living.
It lives within and curls around your soul, pushing itself into you
until it’s become a part of you. It’s
always there, Buffy.”
“But, you
were able to control your magic. Maybe
she can too.”
Giles bit
his lip and stared into her eyes. “It
nearly killed me, Buffy. I don’t know
that she’s strong enough right now...I...”
interrupted him with a kiss, wrapping her hand around the back of his neck to
hold him to her when she felt him start to pull back. She moved her free hand to his chest,
pressing her palm above his heart. When
she felt his heart rate increase, she slowly ended the kiss and met his eyes.
“Did that
happen when Anya kissed you?” She
whispered, rubbing her hand over his pounding heart.
He shook
his head slowly, eyes darting to her lips before resuming their gaze. “That’s what made it feel fake. It’s not that it didn’t feel pleasant, it
just...didn’t make me feel this.”
“What’s this?”
She asked, curling her fingers against his chest.
sensation of her nails scraping against him through his t-shirt caused him to
gasp. She successfully hid her smile.
“This is...arousal. I didn’t...she didn’t...”
Her smile
surfaced as he stammered. “She didn’t
make you horny?”
“Such a
horrible word...” He muttered, his
fingers playing with the hem of her shirt.
“But, no...she didn’t.”
I?” She asked, her tone suggesting that
she already knew the answer.
“That...is a stupid question,
Buffy.” He stated, pushing her shirt up
slightly. “And you know that it’s a
stupid question.”
“Mm-hm.” She mumbled, sighing as his fingers brushed
over her abdomen. “But, answer me
“Yes.” He whispered, swallowing thickly as his left
hand ventured further under her shirt to cup her breast. “Yes, you do.”
shivered as his fingers traced her nipple through the satin material of her
bra. “Can we talk about Anya and Willow
later? Can we just...be us for a while?”
“That would
a bit selfish, wouldn’t it?” He smiled
and gently squeezed her breast, his actions contradicting his words.
gasped, arching against his touch as she moved to her knees in front of him and
draped her arms over his shoulders.
“Have I mentioned how much I love selfish you?”
His eyes
sparkled as he gently pinched her nipple before slipping his hand out from
under her shirt. “Have I mentioned how
much I like being selfish sometimes?”
“Giles...” She whimpered.
He gestured
to her shirt with a tilt of his head as he grasped the hem of his. “Take it off, Buffy.”
She watched
as he pulled his t-shirt over his head, smiling as he tossed it onto the
bed. He arched an eyebrow at her as he
shifted and leaned back against the headboard, stretching his legs out either
side of her.
chuckled softly and removed her shirt, dropping it on top of his before
climbing over him to stand next to the bed.
When he tilted his head in a silent question, she grinned at him and
kicked off her shoes.
“You were
way less dressed than me to begin with.
Just catching up.”
“Ah...” He licked his lips and lowered his gaze to
her hands, which were quickly ridding herself of her jeans. “Fair enough.”
next to the bed, wearing nothing but her bra and underwear, she felt a sudden
rush of love for him as he allowed his gaze to drift over her body. “Giles?”
“Hm?” He murmured, reaching out and wrapping his
fingers around her wrist.
She climbed
back onto the bed as he tugged her forward, straddling his thighs and slipping
her arms around his neck. “I love you.”
He smiled
and leaned forward to brush his lips across hers. “I love you too.”
She felt
his fingers deftly work the clasp of her bra as he placed a line of warm kisses
down the side of her neck. She closed
her eyes, gently rocking against him as he pushed the straps of the bra down
her arms.
“She said
she was trying to make Tara forget about being mad at her.”
“Hm?” He mumbled against her skin as his lips moved
along her collarbone.
“Willow.” Buffy gasped, his hands dropping the bra to
the side before moving to her hips.
“Tara was mad at her...”
lifted his head and stared at her through darkened eyes, his fingers toying
with the waistband of her underwear.
“Thought we weren’t discussing Willow right now?”
not.” She whispered, biting her lip as
his fingers slipped underneath the soft cotton and stroked her damp curls. “I just...thought you’d want to know.”
particularly.” Giles stated, tracing her wet folds with the tip of his middle
finger. “What I would like to know
is...why are you nervous?”
“What? I’m
not...nervous...” When he merely raised
an eyebrow at her, she shook her head.
“I’m not!”
“Then why
are you rambling?” He asked knowingly,
placing a kiss on her chin as he pulled his hand out of her underwear. “Those need to come off now, love.”
She rose up
on her knees, sighing as he slowly pulled her underwear down her thighs. “I don’t know.”
He moved
quickly, gently pushing her onto her back and leaning over her. He finished removing the last piece of
clothing from her body and stared into her eyes.
“I highly
doubt it would’ve gone any further than it did.” When she furrowed her brow, he stretched out
next to her and rested his hand on her bare hip. “It didn’t feel right, Buffy...the kiss. It didn’t feel right.”
She pushed
him onto his back and climbed back on top of him. “I don’t want to talk about Anya right now,
She shook
her head and offered him a smile as she pushed his boxers down, freeing his
erection. “I’m not nervous...I wasn’t
rambling. I was...just trying to keep
myself from coming.”
“Why?” He asked after a moment, swallowing thickly
as she curled her fingers around his cock.
“I think it’s beautiful when you come.”
She stroked
him a few times, rubbing her thumb along the underside as he leaned his head
back against the headboard and groaned.
“And I think it’s beautiful when you do that...”
“I want
you.” She whispered hoarsely, lowering
her mouth to his chest.
He cursed
softly as she circled his left nipple with her tongue. She lifted her head and tightened her fingers
around him.
“Now.” He growled, pulling her hand from his
cock. “Christ, Buffy...now...”
She nearly
teased him about the lack of foreplay, but realized that she needed him as much
as he needed her at that moment. And it
wasn’t all about sex.
He needed
confirmation...of her love, her desire, her forgiveness. Even though there was nothing to forgive...it
hadn’t been his fault.
still...he needed it. And she needed to
give it to him.
With a
gentle nod, she reached between them and guided him to her entrance. And then she stared into his eyes as she
lowered herself onto him, taking him inside of her as deep as he would go.
“Buffy...” He groaned, tightening his fingers on her
hips as she began moving against him.
“Not so fast, love. Time...we
have time...”
but...” She covered his right hand with
her left and flicked her tongue against his chin. “I want you to make me come now...”
“You want
me to fuck you.”
“Mm-hm...” She murmured, nipping at his earlobe. “Is that okay?”
“I should
think so.”
She rocked
her hips against him and pulled back to look into his eyes. “Will you?”
“You’re on
top.” He stated with a smile. “Seems like if anyone’s going to be doing the
fucking, it’d be you.”
narrowed her eyes slightly. “What?”
“Fuck me...”
He tightened his hands on her hips and lifted her slightly before
pulling her back down flush against him, causing them both to groan
loudly. “God...fuck me, Buffy...”
When he
lifted her again, she grinned and slammed back down before he could pull her
down. She watched his Adam’s apple bob
as he swallowed hard, his fingers digging into her flesh as he arched his hips
to meet her downward thrust.
it...” He mumbled, closing his eyes as
she picked a hard and fast pace. “Oh,
yes...that’s it...”
“Giles...” She panted, dangerously close to orgasm in
nearly record time. “Giles, I’m...”
His eyes
snapped open just as she closed hers.
“Don’t hold back on me...”
close...” She groaned, gripping his
shoulders tightly for leverage.
He knew
exactly how close she was. After
all...she had been so very close to orgasm before he'd even entered her. When he felt her start to slow down in an
effort to delay her orgasm, he narrowed his eyes.
“Don’t you
dare, Buffy...”
Her eyes
widened at the sharp tone. “What?”
“I want to
feel you come as you fuck me.” He spoke
urgently, encouraging her to resume her pace with a squeeze of her hip. “Don’t stop...not now...”
He gave a groan
that held a tinge of annoyance and pushed her back, hissing as his cock slipped
from her when she fell back against the mattress.
He moved
between her thighs and lifted her right leg over his hip. She cried out in ecstasy as he pushed his
erection back into her, holding himself above her...his left hand next to her
head as he shortened his strokes.
“Come for
me, Buffy...” He growled, his gaze
dropping to her jostling breasts. “Come
for me...all over me...”
He shook
his head and slammed his hips against her, relishing the sensation of her
fingernails digging into his sides.
“No...it’s just right...”
She opened
her mouth...probably to protest. But,
what came out instead was his name on a scream as her orgasm crashed over
her. He muttered a curse and lowered his
mouth to the crook of her neck...sucking her skin as he thrust harder while her
inner walls were convulsing around him.
He was
vaguely aware of her lifting her other leg and pressing her knee against his
side. He shifted just enough to hook his
arm under the back of her knee...scraping his teeth against her neck as he
pushed deeper into her.
The wet
slapping sound was nearly as responsible for his near loss of control as the
sound of her gasping his name or the sensation of her second orgasm quickly
approaching. He was sure that his
bedclothes would be drenched...if they weren’t already.
got the better of him and he pushed himself up until he was kneeling between
her thighs. With a hand at the back of
each knee, he pushed her legs back towards her chest and to the sides
slightly...opening her to him. He stared
at their union, licking his lips as he watched his cock thrust in and out of
her...her fluids indeed drenching the comforter beneath her.
“Beautiful...” He murmured, fingers twitching against her
skin as he held her still.
Or as still
as he could.
“God...Giles...” She groaned, wrapping her fingers around his
His eyes
darted to hers. “I’m going to come,
“Yes...” She cried, her nails nearly breaking the skin
as she clung onto him.
“I want to
come...all over your clit...” He licked
his lips as her eyes widened. “And then
I want to suck it off...clean you until you come again...”
He smiled
lustfully as she gasped in surprise.
“I’m close,
Buffy. I’m so fucking close...”
in the haze of her pleasure, she realized that he was actually asking
permission. She nodded quickly, her
answer coming on a breathless groan as she dropped her hands to her sides.
“God, yes!”
He nearly
breathed a sigh of relief, thrusting a few more times...hard, fast, and
shallow...before pulling out and releasing her right leg. He grasped his thick cock and held the head
against her clitoris, crying her name as he came...coating her quivering flesh.
She barely
had time to process what had just happened before he shifted and lay down
between her thighs. His left hand
returned to the back of her knee...holding her open as he covered her clit with
his mouth.
She trembled
as he sucked his fluid from her clitoris, screaming his name again as her
fingers curled and threatened to rip into the comforter. He lifted his eyes to her face, watching as
he pushed her closer to the edge...her head thrashing, her knuckles whitening,
her hips trying to buck against him as she finally came again.
He wasn’t
sure he’d ever seen anything as beautiful.
With a
tender kiss to her now very wet curls, he released his hold on her legs and
moved up her body. He brushed his lips
across hers as he moved to her side and pulled her against him.
“I love
you.” He whispered thickly, combing his
fingers through her sweat-dampened hair as she fought to catch her breath.
too...” She panted, pushing him onto his
back and resting her head on his chest.
He wrapped
his arms around her, content to hold her as they both came down. There would be much to deal with in the next
few days, but right now he didn’t want to think about any of it.
He didn’t
want to think about Willow or Anya or magic.
All he wanted to think about was Buffy and love and confirmation.
The other
stuff...the heavy stuff...it could wait.
For just a
while longer...it could wait.
~ End